Spring Applied brake BFK471-25 (Cost-saving alternative for standard solutions)
The new high-performance braking system has been developed for use on cranes and port facilities. A new manual release has been designed specifically for this brake meeting the high requirements of the enclosure rating. The modular structure of the brake enables flexible use with single or dual rotor.
- High braking torque and low space requirements
- 1500 Nm in dual rotor design, 750 Nm with single rotor
- Enclosure corresponding to IP66, with manual release
- High degree of corrosion protection
- Non-contact sensor for air gap monitoring
- Reduction of the power consumption by up to 75% through control via bridge/half-wave rectifier
- Can replace existing brake solutions
Danh mục sản phẩm
- Intorq
- Mark10
- Kiepe
- Redlion
- TDK Lambda
- Teclock
- Keller
- AT2E
- Beckhoff
- Minimax
- Puls
- Omega
- Ohkura
- Knick
- Elco Holding
- Clyde Pneumatic Converying
- RTC Couplings
- Fireye
- Gastron
- Matsushima
- Bircher
- Dwyer
- Tempsens
- PCI Instrument
- Spohn Burkhardt
- Schenck Process
- Nireco
- Koganei
- CS Instruments
- COMET System
- Thwing-albert
- Thwing Albert
- Tek-Trol
- Pauly
- Okazaki
- Romer Fordertechnik
- Kracht
- Helukabel
- Gunther GmbH
- LongKui
- Unipulse
- DMN-Westinghouse
- Gericke RotaVal
- Một số hãng khác
Hỗ trợ trực tuyến
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